The Velvet Hammer Podcast

The difference between a Republic and a Democracy

David Burnell

I give thanks to America the beautiful this day.  I love this Republic with my whole soul and have and will continue to defend her against all enemies foreign and domestic. She was founded as a Republic by intention and divine foresight. A Republic is ruled by law (constitution) where a democracy is ruled by a majority. The powerful difference is in the western analogy of a Lynch mob deciding someone is guilty and taking immediate action upon that person with no law to govern, nor protect the person accused. This is a significant reason that this “Nation Shall Endure” as President Ezra Taft Benson stated in that title of his talk given on December 4, 1973 as the presiding member of the quorum of the twelve apostles. I might add that we must also be a righteous and worthy people to retain this land that is choice above all other lands. It must however be protected and endure in order to fulfill its divine destiny to bring about its important purposes.

When I got my DNA test done it said I was 48% Scottish and the rest was British and Northwestern European. There was no “American” DNA to be found. Even the Native American Indians when they get their DNA done they are labeled from the tribe they descend from. When we come to America like millions have for generations, we become trusted with this sacred Republic for which it stands regardless of our previous rank or nationality. We are ALL Americans under the umbrella and protection of our constitution and bill of rights.

 Red, white and blue runs through my veins only because I understand this Republic for what it is and what she stands for. So much blood has been spilled on this and other lands to protect this Republic and other places that also desire the same fairness and life under the rule of law and not a potentially evil majority.

God Bless America and God bless all people who are pointed towards heavens light to embrace freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

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